WebSite Creation

WebSite Creation

Tips on Website Creation.

WordPress Secret Keys and Salts

What is WordPress Secret Keys and Salt

With the recent attacks of counter-wordpress malware, I did a lot of work to make sure that Makewebworld is safe and secure for our visitors. I also went ahead and did an article on How...

A Beginners Guide – How to Promote Your Blog

When you start a new blog the most important task is to promote your blog and yet many people fail in doing that. A good blog promotion strategy is to spend 80% time in...
Install WordPress on Localhost

How to Install WordPress on Localhost with Win7

First day when I set up my blog and started another chapter in my web world, I wanted to install WordPress on localhost. If you are working with WordPress than you want to install WordPress on localhost also. Local...

How To Add Responsive Videos With Schema Markups In Genesis 2.0

Schema's Markup is a good way to optimize your content for Search Engines. I am using Genesis Framework on MakeWebWorld and one of the reason is fully compatibility of schema markups. There are many kind of schema markups...
Create Engaging Content

How To Create Engaging Content For Your Readers

One of the hardest task in blogging is to create engaging content for your readers and want them to come back to your blog. Many people will visit your blog but you should also see...
Website Load Time

How To Improve Website Load Time By 150 Percent

Website load time is one of the important factors in SEO these days. Google wants to drive traffic to the websites where users don't have to wait. If you have checked your Google Analytics account,...
HostGator Control Panel - SEO Tools

Which One Is For You WordPress Managed Hosting Or Shared Hosting?

I have seen many people talking about, if they should have wordpress managed hosting or shared hosting for their blog. I have started Make Web World on the shared hosting, once it is established I...
Top Navigation Menu in Genesis 2.0

How To Convert Metro Theme For Genesis 2.0

If you are using Genesis framework for your blog then you must be aware that Genesis 2.0 is already in works and would be reaching to you very soon. Genesis 2.0 is completely rewritten to...

5 Tips That Will Help Make Your Website Look More Professional

Did you know that a lot of people are afraid to buy anything online because they think someone is out to scam them? They do have a point because most people who sell things online...

Top 10 Gallery for Premium Joomla Template

The elevating radii of internet technology are literally spreading its feather to endorse the entire sector and thus have been concord as a boon especially for online business. In recent, from small organization to large...