I should start saying that I like to integrate things with my theme as much as possible rather than using WordPress plugins. Thesis theme has been quite good so far in that, but I do end up using some plugins which is helpful in creating the blogs.
Below is the list of WordPress plugins which I use on my blogs.
This is one of the must have WordPress plugins. Page loading speed for blog can be slow if your database is not optimized. There can be a lot of space wastage because of the auto draft or version revision saves in the database.
These all can end up slowing the blog and giving performance issue. This plugin is very simple, it deletes these revision drafts, auto save drafts and optimize your database. This can make your queries working faster and speed up your blog.
The good thing is that this plugin does not run in background, you have to go into plugin panel and run it. So it doesn’t affect any other thing on blog.
This is not in the must have WordPress plugins but if you do not have access to any photo editing utility then you do need this plugin.
There is a difference in the image optimize for web and other images, images stores some extra data in their files which is not required for web. If you optimize your images for web you end up reducing their size and have a better loading time as less data will be transferred.
Image optimization can be done through either photo editing utilities like Adobe Photoshop or with this plugin. This plugin works in background and when you load any image it automatically converts it for web.
It shows the reduction or space saved in media panel. The amount saved may be small in number but a huge gain as you have to multiply it with several page load to get the actual saving.
SEO Slugs
SEO slugs is a smart plugin to remove the stop words from your slugs. It is good for SEO purpose. Every time you save a draft it checks the slug and remove stop words from it.
I use it to just get the initial slug and then I change it based on the post. Stop words removal is good for SEO also.
Google XML Sitemap
This is another good plugin, which generates XML site map for your blog. It automatically submits them to search engine also. Easy to set up and good to have as it make sure your pages are indexed properly.
This is also helpful in-case you are using any webmaster tool as you can enter the xml file for site map in that tool. Like I use Google webmaster and give the file from this plugin as a site map for my blog.
This is one of the best WordPress Plugin for on page SEO. This checks posts and pages for on page SEO to provide recommendation and numeric score . It does some automatic work also, like doing bold and italic keywords etc.
It has worked good so far for all my blogs, and I would recommend this plugin.
This is another good plugin in-case your blog has webmasters as readers. It actually gives a chance to attach their work with their comment. It automatically fetches their rss feed and give them an option to show their latest article.
It’s a good way to reward your readers, who comment and engage on your blog. The premium version is more than just adding comment luv as it integrates many plugins in one with comment spam protection, twitterlink and keyword luv all at one. It should be a good addition to a blog with much improved features.
Check the comment section on this blog and if you like it you can get the Commentluv+, it’s on 7 days sale now.
WP Super Cache
This is again one of the must have WordPress plugins. This can increase your site speed by caching some run-time things so it won’t run for every user.
Caching plugins are helpful in-case you have a lot of traffic coming to your site, but be careful if you are going to see a traffic jump on one page then it requires some additional setup (it will work as it is also, but its better to give that page its own cache file).
This plugins just help you managing your redirection. this monitors your post and page url and adds automatically 301 redirects in-case it changes. This allows for custom redirection also, you can even redirects url which does not exist.
This can be a handy way to handle your affiliate links, though Thesis theme gives an easy way to do that with the 301 redirect. This plugin also keep track of your 404 error and redirect logs.
Broken Link Checker
This plugin will just help you to make sure you don’t have any broken link on your blog. It checks the blogs for broken links and report those so you can fix them. Once the blog gets big it’s really hard to keep track of broken link, it’s a good way to automate that task.
These are the WordPress Plugins which I use on my blogs, a short list and most of the plugins does not run on front end. The benefit is that front user does not feel any negative impact for these plugins.
So what do you say am I missing anything? Which WordPress Plugins are you using?
WP Backup Creator also a must have plugin. Easy to use. Simply point, click and relax knowing that your websites and blogs are safe and secure …
Thanks for letting us know what plugins you use for your blog. WP-Optimize looks good. I’ve been looking for a plugin like this that will help my blog better perform. SEO Slugs is another great plugin. Many bloggers are not familiar with stop words – or words that are not recognized by Google. Getting those removed will help a blog. Thanks also for the Google XML Sitemap recommendation. I consider this plugin a must. What I’d really like to thank you for recommending, however, is SEOPressor. Anything that can help a blogger with SEO is highly recommended.
Hi Sanjeev,
I am using almost all plugins on my blog, you mentioned here except only SEOPressor.I am planning to have it by next month.
Interesting post & plugins you are using on your blog.
I am just opposite to you. I was not using almost all the plugins, but have good alternatives to these plugins.
Wp-cache sometime create problem, i prefer to use CDN insted of this cdn is helpful for fast web experience especially when your blogs have lots of photos.
Hi Tarun, I also found CDN a better option but faced few issues with my hosting provider. I prefer using total cache with CDN as it has a good support for that.
But beginner will prefer to use free tool cdn is premium and not offered for free but that is best among all.
Lately, I have been editing my slugs myself. I was just reading about how I should optimize my database the other day. some of them are new to me but really helpful information.
Thanks Iris, Optimizing the database is really important as it can improve the page loading speed. I also update slugs by myself but I take help from SEO slugs to remove stop words automatically and then I update it according to the post..A little time save, I think!
Hi really nice list of plugins which are quite essential. for SEO i am using WordPress SEO by yoast and find it really good but still i am a learner so learning many things which are essential for SEO optimization. i have herd that SEO Processor is a classic wordpress plugin but its paid one (have created a list for paid plugins to buy in future). some of them are new to me but really helpful information.
Thank you.
WordPress SEO by Yoast is really a nice plugin and it does lot of things along with SEO optimization. I have used it for some time. I like Seopressor for its capability of SEO optimization and it is really good to remind about the on-page SEO.
Have you tried “Subscribe To Comments” plugin? Most people who write their opinion on blogs, forums and so on are curious if their message was read by others, or even replied to it. It might be a good way to increase traffic.
I am currently using ReplyMe to send the automatic reply, if somebody reply to there comments. I have not tried subscribe to comments till now. I will check how it works with respect to ReplyMe. Thanks for letting me know about this plugin.
I’m new to WordPress and somewhat don’t know what plug ins I could use. Thanks for sharing this, I could use it as my referral! Also, I didn’t know that plug ins reduces the load time! Another byte of info. Thanks..
ohh, each plugin will add something to the site loading time, though it also depends if its running on the admin panel or the front interface. If its on the front interface like social button scripts etc than it will be visible to readers. I prefer more of admin plugin and try to keep the interface simple.
Lately, I have been editing my slugs myself. I also use the link checker on my blog.
SEO Slugs is not perfect, I also end up updating it manually but it makes it little easier. It at least removes all the obvious words. I love link checker, it make sure we don’t have any broken link on the blog.
Thanks for sharing your plugins Sanjeev. Some of them I have heard of and even use and others I have never heard of at all.
Take care…
Thanks Justin for the visit. there are so many plugins for WordPress which makes it harder to find a good one to use. I do try many plugins on this blog and like to share whatever works for me.
Hi Sanjeev
Do you have a plugin for your related posts with thumbnails or is that with your skin?
I am using a plugin called Related Posts Thumbnails for this.
Hi Sanjeev,
That is really a nice list of plugins. I use most of them that is in your list too except SEOpressor (still to buy it) and SEO Slugs. By the way dude.. Is that “Like It, Want to Retweet” box something you added through the code or is it a plugin you using.
This is a plugin – Twitter @Anywhere Plus. I really like it as it make really easy for people to tweet the post.
Wow, didn’t know that there are so many useful plugins for WP. I will make my next blog with WP for sure.
WP is a great platform for self hosted blogs. I do use blogger for some of my blog but the flexibility and SEO options in wordpress is really great.
I use W3 Total Cache for my caching plugin, but I have use WP Super Cache in the past. I use XML Sitemap, CommentLuv+, WP-Smush It and Broken Link Checker on my blog currently. The CommentLuv+ plugin is probably the most impressive plugin because it replaced several other plugins and the amount of options that is available with it is staggering.
Commentluv+ is really great, I have also removed so many plugin after installing this.
Hey Sanjeev,
Thanks for sharing your wordpress list. I’ve yet to tried Optimize, Smush it and broken link checker. Speeding up my website is definitely something I love to do 🙂
Optimize is really good plugin if you are not using anything for your database. Would defiantly recommend it.
Excepts the paid plugins I am using all others. Definitely the best plugins out there and probably I have installed those on all blogs that I’ve developed during 2011.
Very true, I do use some paid plugins but do not recommend investing on these till you start earning from sites. I like to buy them from the earnings of the blog itself.
commentluv is my favorite plugin until this time.
for seo my blog use All In One SEO because very easy
fo spammer my blog use Growmap Anti spambot
Commentluv is also my favorite and with the premium version it actually gives a protection against spam also. I have seen a good spam reduction after installing it.
I was just reading about how I should optimize my database the other day. I was wondering if there was a plugin of this nature out there.
Thanks for the valuable info!
Thanks Kevin, this is a great plugin for managing databases.
You can also try for W3 total plugin and its one of the best plugin out there for cache
I have heard good things about it, Will give it a try on one of my blogs.
Among all the WordPress plugins mentioned above, CommentLuv is my first choice. It works like an all-in-one plugin. I just love the idea that it reduces spam so it will give you less time in sifting out spammers from your blogs.
Ohh along with all the other benefits, it has reduced spam for me also which is a great add-on.
Hi Sanjeev, I see that you and I have many of the same plugins. WordPress is such a marvelous blogging platform for allowing us to customize it with any way we want. SEOPressor is really one of my top picks. But of course CommentLuv premium is the best one of them all! Thanks for sharing your list.
Seopressor was also my top pick, but lately it has started little weird for long keywords, still a great plugin though, commentluv+ with so many functionality is great (not to forget the bonus which we get on top of the plugin).
Love Broken Link Checker!
I also love that, It really make life easy and make sure we don’t have any broken link on our blogs.
Nice list. I also use the link checker on my blog.
I’m about to install the SEO Slugs plugin right now. I used to use it back in the day but I forgot about it. Lately, I have been editing my slugs myself. No more of that!
Link checker is really good, also the flexibility to moderate broken link from a single place is really good.
Yes , This is very interesting post . I’m using jetpack site stats for counting my visits.
and this CommentLuv+ is a good plugin i think. thank you for the suggestion. One more thing do you know any user registration plugin for wordpress?
Thanks Sooraj, If you are looking for just creating login page then theme my login plugin might do the work. If you are looking for membership plugins then there are some different plugin available though I am using regular WordPress login for this blog.
WP Smush it is one of my favorites!
Yes, plugin is good and saves bandwidth and space for images. Also results in faster load time.
I still prefer doing the work with offline tool like Adobe Photoshop, but if it not accessible then its the one to do that job.
That’s interesting! I use PS, well I never used it for purpose of re-sizing images. I will try 🙂
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