MWW E004 – What You Can Expect From WordPress 3.8 And Future Updates


Welcome to MakeWebWorld Podcast. This is episode 004, which will cover the WordPress automatic updates and what you can expect from WordPress 3.8.

Let’s first talk about WordPress 3.7 automatic updates. With the release of version 3.7, WordPress can push the updates automatically.

The automatic updates are only available for the minor releases of WordPress, major releases still needs to be updated manually.

There is a rising concern over these automatic updates as there is a potential of breaking the website with a update.

I am using WordPress for last 4 years and I have not seen any minor release breaking anything.

Also these will be security and maintenance updates in the current functionalists, which is good for the website.

I also like to have latest softwares on my websites and that is one of the prime reason I have moved to WordPress Managed Services.

My hosting provider takes care of all the WordPress updates and keep is up to date always.

I would still love to see the control provided to user rather than just pushing the update to everybody. At this point of time there is no direct option to disable the updates.

You can check the link mention below in resources on how to disable the automatic updates.

WordPress 3.8 – A New Approach

Development for WordPress next major update (WordPress 3.8) has already been started. There are many features which are getting finalized for the update.

WordPress 3.7 has been an initial work for new plugin based approach. With this update they have restructured the core files to help this new approach.

There are some plugins which have been finalized for the next version of WordPress and already work has been started for these plugins.

You can check the links for these plugins in resource section.

[youtube src=”IhqnFPf0Wms” title=”Wordpress 3.8 Initial Impressions”]

Resources And Links Mentioned In This Episode:

1. How To Disable WordPress Automatic Updates

1. MP6

2. Theme Plugin – THX_38

3. Global Admin Search

4. Widget Area Chooser

5. Dashboard

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  1. Hi Sanjeev !
    The new features in wordpress 3.8 sounds onteresting.I wonder why wordpress is rolling out small set of changes on every update . Version 3.8 features could have been done in update 3.7. Don’t you think so.

    • I think its the amount of work, WordPress 3.7 has laid an ground work for 3.8. It was never setup as a plugin based architecture so they needed some groundwork on core files for that.

      WordPress 3.8 is still under development and we might see more than this in that update..

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