How to Remove Article From Your Feedburner Feed


Today I was in a strange situation when I published one guest post and ran a Copyscape search, just to find out that it has already been published on another blog.

It was even published around 15 days back which means most probably Google would have crawled it till now.

So if Google Crawl Makewebworld and find that article, it will termed it as a duplicate content, which is bad for SEO. Duplicate content is a big NO in terms of SEO.

This is one of thing which you need to keep an eye if you accept guest post. You will come across posts which is duplicate or low quality content and you need to handle those.

Even if you have read the rules for Guest posting on Makewebworld, than there is a clause that the article should be exclusive to Makewebworld. The post was not following the rules on Makewebworld, which means I needed to remove that article.

It was easy to remove article from WordPress, I just removed it from the admin panel and moved it to trash, which has removed it instantly. But it was also synced to feedburner account which means it was still available at some places.

Steps to remove article from Feedburner

To remove article from feedburner you need to understand the working of Feedburner. It always cache the feeds so that it does not have to check the feed whenever it needed the articles. Which means it always keeps a copy of your feed.

When you update the WordPress blog, your feeds update same time but this does not refresh your feedburner cache. You need to log into the feedburner account and force it to resync your feed.

1. Log on to Feedburner account and open your feed.

2. Go to troubleshoot tab in your feed account.

3. You will get a button to resync your feed, click on that and feedburner will refresh your feed. It resync the complete feed so your articles will be removed from Feedburner.

Easy right?

Yes, A small tip which can come handy when you need it.


  1. Thank you Sanjeev. Though used FeedBurner for so long, never cared to look for all of its feature and never thought about resync feature. It is certainly useful in many cases.

  2. Hi Sanjeev !

    But being on feeds does not make it like it is on our site and it is duplicate content ? or is it ?

    • Hi Faria,

      It is not same as being on your site or duplicate content, but it will create broken link..people coming from the feed articles will not be finding what they are looking for…so it’s still better to remove it from the feed. It also depends on how many places your feed is circulated.

    • Yes, even after removing it from our blog, we need to remove them from feedburner feed otherwise they will be distributed to many places over internet.

      • If ever we we’re not able to delete the post from the rss feeds and then we see someone publish our content without refering us as the original author, we can report it as duplicate and plagiarize content right?

  3. Thanks. My friend ask me the same question last week and I was wondering how could I really remove a post from feed burner! Great Tutorial Sanjeev as always! Thanks again,

  4. Hi Sanjeev, there are so many things we have to stay aware of when we host guest bloggers and this is another to add to the list. I would also be concerned that there might be other blog owners who might accept this same post in the future without knowing. Did you contact the first blog owner by any chance? Email me the details and let me know who is involved perhaps I can help in some way.

    Thanks for the awesome tip!

    • I agree Ileane, there are so many things which we should be careful. I didn’t contact the first blog owner because they have done nothing wrong, they are the original publisher of the post.
      But your comment made me think that they also need to know otherwise same post might end up at many places.

  5. Thanks for sharing this one Sanjeev, I know many people come to face with this exact issue and now you have shared a way to make sure you can resolve the issue without it being all over the internet. As you know many of my rss customers would like to learn this so I have saved it to my favorites on blog engage.

  6. This is a really good tip. I generally do a plagiarism check of any guest post before I publish anything. Every once in a while something slips through, so it’s good to be aware of how to remove duplicate content when you find it.

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