Leaf – A Good And Simple RSS Reader For Your Mac


RSS is one of the good ways to keep in touch with the sites you visit frequently. I always add my sources to RSS reader so that I do not need to visit the sites and I get all the updates at a single place.

There are many good RSS reader on Mac, which can be downloaded from App Store.

Leaf is one of the best RSS readers on Mac, which has just got a major revamp.

[youtube src=”9FjMpjx8EX8″ title=”Leaf RSS Reader For Mac” duration=”T7M37S”]

User Interface

Leaf has a very simple yet effective UI, which is integrated with the mac gestures. I really like the new themes, which adds different colors to the looks of the app.

Leaf RSS Reader On Mac
Leaf RSS Reader On Mac

The top action bar contains most of the actions and rest of the area is there for the articles.

Articles area is divided into 3 sections, one for the list of feeds which can be turned on and off from the action bar, list of articles and actual article.

Most of the actions are also connected to a gesture, which makes it easy to use. You can just browse through the article list by swapping down with two fingers.

Though you have a full control on the width and background colors of articles through an appearance menu. You can also change Fonts and font size for the articles.

Articles Mode

There are three reading mode, clutter-free mode and article website. You can change the mode by swapping left and right on the article.

Clutter-free mode is a good way to read the articles as it removes all the other distraction and provides a complete article.

You can also visit the website directly from the app. It is an easy way to read the complete article if the RSS feeds are set to summery.

You can also set refresh interval and keep read items from the preference menu of the app.

Leaf App Preference Panel
Leaf App Preference Panel

Organizing Your Feeds

Leaf app supports the organization of the feeds in the folders. You can create folders and add the feeds in those folders.

Also it supports the import and export of your feeds through OPML files.

Notifications Integration

Leaf app has a full integration to OS X notification center and you will get notifications for your new articles.


Like any other software, there are some limitations. One of them is two way sync for Feedly.

If you use multiple apps and read your feeds on them, you would want the Leaf app to also mark them read. Currently you have to again mark them read in Leaf app. It only fetches the new unread articles in sync.

I am using Feedly and use multiple readers to keep in touch with the news. I have Press on my Galaxy Note 3 and use Leaf On my Mac.

Currently if I read the article on my phone, I have to still mark it read on Mac. I am sure, they will improve it in near future.

[box]Update: With the latest update Feedly two way sync issue has been fixed and app does two way syncing now.[/box]

Final Words

Leaf is a good RSS reader on Mac, which does the job perfectly. It has made for the RSS feeds and it allows you to handle them with the simplest interface.

It has a good screen presence and uses the most of the area for the primary function (displaying articles).

If you are looking for some good RSS reader on Mac, then I would suggest you to give a try to Leaf.