In case you are using themes from Elegant Themes to create your web world, than you have seen the footer attribution link also. If you want to change footer then you have 2 ways to handle that.
- You can remove those attribution.
- If you are affiliate of Elegant theme, you can change the links to your affiliate link and let the world know from where you have got this theme.

Benefit to change footer to your affiliate link is that you can drive the traffic from your footer and change it to earning point of your site.
Here is how you can do it. To change footer you need to update footer.php file.
- Open the footer.php file in any text editor.
- Look for the below mention line.
<p id=”copyright”><!–?php esc_html_e(‘Designed by ‘,’DelicateNews’); ?–> <a title=”Elegant Themes” href=””>Elegant Themes</a> | <!–?php esc_html_e(‘Powered by ‘,’DelicateNews’); ?–> <a href=””>Wordpress</a></p>
- You can delete the below section to remove powered by WordPress.
| <!–?php esc_html_e(‘Powered by ‘,’DelicateNews’); ?–> <a href=””>Wordpress</a>
- You can update the below link to your affiliate link to let people find who has designed your theme.
<a title=”Elegant Themes” href=””>
Your theme is ready with the affiliate link and you can zip it and install on your WordPress site.
Please see below If you would like to watch a video.
[youtube src=”oSSa2XuCaFE”]
Hope you would have liked the tip. Let us know how it worked out for you.
My best advice when wanting to change the footer or header for that matter is to use wrap divs on each. Also do the same with page, single 404 etc. THis way each file is independent of each other.
HI Emmanuel, Yes Div tags can help making them independent though above tutorial more of changing a link in the code to get affiliate link, but a nice addition. Thanks for that.
Great tutorials! I don’t have enough idea about changing stuffs in php so this tutorial is really a great help for me. Thanks for teaching us how to change footer of an elegant theme.
Thanks Samantha, I always like to change the footers and add affiliate links in there, you never know when you can get a sale from there..
Yeah! That’s absolutely right. It’s really great to maximize what we can benefit from those elegant themes available online.
For us technically challenged mortals this is very helpful. Came to your site via your guest post on another site and I’m enjoying my visit. I have the free flexibility3 theme on 5 of my sites and they all come out different. Only two have the footer section and two others aren’t getting the blog title and byline in the header. Not very impressive so I was seriously considering a paid theme with support for dummies like me to whom coding makes as much sense as reading Chinese or Greek. The Elegant themes look like a viable option.
Hi Jonathon, Welcome to Makewebworld. I like Elegant themes though I am not using it here, I do use them on my other sites. It is a very good option for multiple sites as they have many themes to choose from. Also if something new comes up and you want to change the theme, you can change it to any other elegant themes easily. Only one thing which I don’t like about them is they do not support text logo so you need a image logo. check the post how to create custom logo, if you need any help in that.
Thank You Sanjeev for that info.
I had watched a demo on another site and she was adding her own custom logo so now I know why. I’ve been using the free flexibility3 theme on 5 sites because I’d seen sites using it that looked very professional but with my lack of techie skills I haven’t got any of them looking how I’d like. What attracted me to the Elegant theme was that you can use it on multiple sites whereas most other paid themes only allow you to use it on one or two sites and if you want more then you pay extra. Anyway I’ve just posted on oDesk for someone to sort out my WP themes and have received some promising applicants so will see what they suggest. All I want is well structured sites so I can focus all my time on creating content.
Yes, Elegant themes is really good in terms of quick design and ability to use on unlimited site. you can check the estimates and compare the cost. You can also check an option to buy a premium theme like Thesis and a skin for that to the oDesk estimates. There are many ways you can optimize the cost.
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