When I started blogging I heard that to be a successful blogger you need to meet with other bloggers, get new idea’s from them, work with them to make yourself accepted in your niche.
You will have a blog where other blogger will come and share their experience, it will enhance your posts, give an add-on perspective for your readers, can give you word of mouth publicity. I can go on listing the profits but the only issue I faced “it is not easy to get to know other bloggers”.
You can go on other blogs and go on commenting strings to get attention of other bloggers but it’s a lengthy process, than how would you go about it.
The answer to this question is BlogEngage.
What is BlogEngage
BlogEngage is a social network for the bloggers, it’s a place to meet with bloggers. You can meet around 350 bloggers and that number is growing day by day.
It’s a place where you can share your content and other bloggers can read and offer their viewpoint. It has an active community which will take a look at your blog, read your posts and comment on them.
Can it increase traffic for your blog?
You might already have a Facebook fan page up for your blog, will it increase the traffic for your blog. Any social network will not increase the traffic until you actively participate in its activities.
The same rule is true for BlogEngage also, If you just want to join so that you can share your content and get some traffic, it’s not the place for you. If you are willing to read other bloggers idea’s, share your insight and ready to be friend with other bloggers, it’s a great platform to do that.
Other than getting to know so many established bloggers, the other benefit is getting traffic on your blog. Once you start participating in the community you will see many new people will visit your blog and you will get extra visibility.
Whatever you have to offer the community, BlogEngage community will give back more than that. So join and start giving.
BlogEngage Services
There is a onetime joining fees of $29, this covers any number of blog for lifetime. This is just for making sure that people who are joining, is serious about participating in the community. This is one of the reason Blogengage has an active community.
Blogengage also have RSS syndication services, which allow you to syndicate your contents.

They allow 4 service memberships, each comes with different benefit. You can pay monthly or pay for the year.
Along with the RSS Syndication to BlogEngage, their service will publish your content on portfolio of social media websites such as
Blog Engage (PR5), Blog Serp (PR3), Top Blogged (PR3), RSS Leak (PR2),
Blogger Ink (PR3), Tag Serp (PR2), and Blogger Tag (PR2)
This is a great way to build backlinks for your posts from high PR sites. Their service also offers 100% adsense revenue sharing, so on your posts your adsense ads will be showing and if anybody click on that you will get 100% revenue.
Also they offer a spotlight feature where your blog will be featured on BlogEngage spotlight area, a great way to gain some attention.
For all details you can check at their RSS Syndication Page.
If you are using BlogEngage Services, let us know how it is working out or jump in and get socially engage with Bloggers.
Its really a wonderful place to share your blog and also to get very good and valuable information about blogging. I found your blog on basicblogtips. But you have explained about blogengage very nicely. Hope to see your other posts also. Keep it up.
Hello Sanjeev,
nice explanation on Blog Engage. its my dream to get a BE membership and i am trying hard to get it by participating in the various giveaway of it. you are right its like ho much you get involved with other in the community and after all network does make lots of sense in blogging. and by getting BE membership one thing is good that it helps to create good backlinks to your blog and also you come to know many well established blogger. so the learning is there only and that’s what a newbie like me needs. so looking forward to get the BE account.
Hey , just came across this post through letsbuildwebsites. I found this post and I was wondering apart from the 29$ for the Blog engage membership are there acceptance rules (because Jeet u have mentiones that ít’s your dream to get a BE membership?) and that your are concentrating on the giveaways ? any insights on this would be helpful.
Enjoyed my visit to your site. Lot of useful info you share. Hadn’t heard of Blog Engage before so must go check them out.
If you are planning to join Blog Engage, they have one time fee of $30 for lifetime membership. I am running a giveaway and you can win a lifetime membership and 1 yeas RSS syndication (worth $90). Check here for details http://makewebworld.com/2012/01/giveaway/giveaway-free-blogengage-account/. I think you have already done most of the things to qualify so it might be just a matter of entering in there.
very nice post sanjeev.i know blog engage,its really a great place to drive traffic.its providing forums,blogs and more services.its really great 🙂
Yes Sai, Blogengage is really a good place to get to know new people, get a new readers for blogs and get some backlinks from a good PR site. Lots of benefit from a small investment.
Nice post Sanjeev, Blog Engage is a community with today’s best bloggers as far as I’m concerned. Brian runs the extra mile for everyone and the RSS Syndication is just one of many benefits.
I agree Brian is always there to help people, also he make sure that proper attention is given to community and that is one of the reason having active community. RSS syndication is a great time saver and I missed many articles initially but this service make sure that each article is submitted.
Hi Sanjeev. It is so cool of you to share with your readers the benefits of being a community member of BlogEngage. Indeed, I agree with you that being a part of their community is worthwhile and could bring substantial benefits, that is, like you said, if you are proactive with them. BE is a haven for serious bloggers and those that manage to build relationships there will see that it not only will bring them traffic but equally all the benefits related to it. Brian is a great guy and works hard to maintain the community at stronghold. Thumbs up!
Hi DiTesco, before joining BE I have read some comments where people is asking about the proof of increase in traffic and other thing. I was skeptical about it but to tell you the truth I found it a great community who welcomes new member and give opportunity to join with others. Yes the basic thing is we also need to be open enough to engage with them.
This is the first time I heard about BlogEngage. How would you compare it with triberr ? It’s a free community but is invite only
I am not a member of a triberr right now, but from just a single visit it looks like more of a place where you promote other people’s articles. BE is more of sharing the articles publish on your blog and other bloggers will vote and share their vision. You will come to know what’s happening on other blogs.
If you have any invite do let me know, I will try triberr..
Hi Sanjeev, Blog Engage is always on the top of my traffic referrers list! I love the community and it is well worth while for any blogger to join if they are trying to grow their audience and their traffic. Great review!
It’s really true and also I have found few guest post opportunity from there, like the one on your blog, which is an additional bonus.
Hello Sanjeev , thank you for the nice write up on blog engage I enjoyed reading it and you have said many really nice things about us. I must also ay it’s been a pleasure meeting you. You have came into our community with an open mind and I respect that. I see you caught on very quickly and have really started using the site as it should be.
Thanks Brian, I really like the platform provided by you, its really a great place to meet and engage with fellow Bloggers.
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