CommentLuv Premium is a much talked plugin these days. Andy is offering the plugin with heavy discount, but before buying it you need to understand how you can use it on your blog.
CommentLuv Premium is not just for the commenters of your blog, it can be used to promote your blog, your posts and your pages.
I am going through many blogs and there are so many ideas floating on the usage of this plugin. With this post I have tried to create a flow to gain all benefits at one place.
Link Building
Before going for link building, you need to understand what is link building?
Google always consider first instance of the link which it finds on the page, so if it doesn’t have a good anchor text it will loose its value. So you can’t just go on to any page and drop a link to do your link building, it has to be formulated.
There can be a lot which can be said but I would like you to read this article where Ana has already explained it in detail.
First Link Priority Rule: What It Is and How It Affects Your Link Building
So now you know what is link building. Lets see how we should do it with Commentluv Premium.
Image: Idea go
Commentluv Premium provides an option of adding an anchor text to your links but you need to make sure that those links are the first one, if you comment multiple times on a page. Many blogs shows latest comment on the top and if you make comments and used the same link you can loose the anchor text benefit.
Guest Post Promotion
Guest post is a good way to gain some spotlight and some traffic, but it is also a good way to gain some link juice. You should be promoting your guest post to make sure that it rank well and you have a link from a good PR page.
Just sending a post to good PR site is not enough as PR is always different for each page, so your post on a PR4 site can be a PR0 page. If you don’t promote your page you will get a link from PR0 page. If you try to increase the PR of that page, your link will be more valuable.
How can you use Commentluv premium to promote your guest post?
Check the article below from Ileane, where she has explained how you can promote your guest post or you tube video’s with Commentluv Premium.
Promote Your Guest Posts The CommentLuv Way
CommentLuv Clicks
Commentluv premium can be used to gain some extra traffic, but when you go to commentluv enabled blogs you will see so many links. You need to make sure that your links gain some attention and getting clicked.
Commentluv Premium provides an option to track clicks on your links, which is an easy way to see what is working for you.
If you want to know how you should do it, than read this article from Mitz where she has explained the process.
5 Tips for Catching Clicks on Commentluv Links
So these are few good tips which are floating around, if you have seen some more good posts on commentluv premium than let us know through the comment section.
Commentluv has been considered as the favorite platform of blog commenting link building strategy. Well they always serve their purpose.
Comment Luv is a great plugin indeed
This is the reason i shifted from Blogger to wordpress!
Hey Sanjeev! Kudos to you for this awesome post about CommentLuv. It will really come in handy! This article is packed with so much useful info! Cheers, man!
Just the information I need to know about Commentluv. I have heard about it but could not grasp what it does fully. Now I know the LUVley magic this thing can do for my new site! Thank you for the insightful post! 🙂
i started a new blog. And I was searching on how to build links using commentluv. I didn’t know that we should also apply commentluv on our blogs too. I’ll definitely give it a try. thanks for a good information ..:)
I just started a new blog. And I was searching on how to build links using commentluv. And I found your blog. I didn’t know that we should also apply commentluv on our blogs too. Thanks for this grateful information. I’ll definitely give it a try 🙂
If you are just looking for link building then you do not need it on your blog, your feeds should be setup properly. If you want to gain more engagement and want to reward who engage than go ahead and give it a try..
Thanks Sandeep for keeping us informed. I think commentluv is a nifty tool to drive targeted traffic to a site, the dofollow backlink is a plus too. I am all for showing appreciation to readers who actually leave meaningful comments that motivate bloggers to strive to do even better.
commentluv are just doing awesone in link building…..
Hi Sanjeev .. The feature of Commentluv premium to track clicks on the links sounds very interesting . It does add exposure to the blog . A blog probably can appear on lots of CommentLuv Enabled Blog posts that circulated the blogosphere. Thanks for such a salutary share
Its really good, you will know what kind of titles are working and attracting readers, which blog is sending you more traffic with the comments..does people clicking on your own links on your blog etc.. I really like this analytic in the plugin..
Gosh! I did not know…Mitz’s and, of course, your posts helped me get an insightful account of commentluv. It was an eye opener to me that one had to comment only on relevant blogs-i think i might have wasted great deal of time, leaving comments on unrelated sites.
Thanks for the post
I know many people goes with an idea of any link counts, but its the relevant link which will push your site in SERP’s..
After sitting on the fence for a month, I finally managed to get premium version. I still need to see if it will benefit or not but hopefully it will. Overall its a good plugin.
I can say it help in creating engagement and get some better comments on the blog…hope you will have a good experience with it..
you should have gravators which make you look more real so the other blogs easily approve your comments other than that your comment should be of use stupid comments like thanks for sharing and nice tips are old techniques no one approves them now..!
I know many people love to say they Do Follow commenters – I would recommend having a second look into lucia linky love plugin as I have stated above. Or at the very least make sure you know your blog defaults. If you Do Follow on all comments – you give 2 links from each comment, even when it might be a questionable.
Link building is what I’m studying for now. My friend said that you can make your blog site gather viewers through link building. So I was a little interested about learning how to do link building.
Great article.. I use commentluv on my website too .. and I think it does a great job.. also regarding spam….
best regards,
hmm…. this should be followed by bloggers..
I’m about to start using the ordinary CommentLuv plugin on my own blog. I think anything than can motivate people to write meaningful comments on my blog is going to help.
$67 is not that much money, but have you seen significant results from the Premium CommentLuv plugin?
Free version do have basic controls but does miss some integration like twitter link and keywordName stuff. You have to configure them separately.
One good think which it does not have is do follow controls and social shares from commenting section. Like on Makewebworld you can get a do follow backlink by sharing the post on social networks and I have seen many people use that and share the posts.
Lol, I can go on and on….another one is additional 5 links which can be pages on your blog, which you will get while creating backlinks for your blog…an additional way to promote.
You can try with free version and check the response, but you will not regret paying the money also..
Sanjeev worthy post,
you wrote pretty informative article on comment luv premium.
Hi Sanjeev
I am debating using Comment Luv premium
Is there a search box to search blogs to comment om with-in topics?
That would be a seller
Right now there is no search box from the plugin but there are other method to do that.
1. Andy has a commentluv enabled blog Search page –
2. You can search in the Google with the string “This blog uses Commentluv” and your topic. It will give you the pages.
Such a awesome piece of information, thaks a lot buddy finally my curiocity
gets a valid answer here, You saved me from a long two days of spywork..
Ritesh Warke
Commentluv Premium offers lots of benefits to all blog owners and commentators as well. That’s precisely the reason why this great plugin plays an important role when it comes to link building of both users. Many bloggers already proved its worthiness.
yes, it is a great way to generate backlinks and extra traffic for blog owners. Some of my keyword does include commentluv in them, people do search for commentluv enabled blog to add comments.
Ofcourse Google always consider first instance of the link which it finds on the page, so if it doesn’t have a good anchor text it will loose its value. So you can’t just go on to any page and drop a link to do your link building, it has to be formulated.
Yes Jac, Without a proper formulated way, blog can get a links but it can not get much benefit. It has to be an conscious strategic way.
I like the idea behind the plugin. I hope the use will grow next year!
I also hope so, it already does so many things that it is worth every penny. But new feature addition is always welcome.
Nice points, blog commenting is essential for back links plus it helps you to get more targeted traffic. So it’s always important to choose right niche blog to comment on.
Yes, and with the commentluv enabled blog search engine, it is really easy to find the targeted Blog.
Thanks for sharing it with us. my knowledge really enhanced by reading your post. i definitely buy plugin today.
Thanks for the CommentLuv info. I was always interested in buying this plugin, but I always found it to be confusing. Now I at least understand the purpose of the plugin.
Thanks Ben for stopping by, Commentluv Premium is a good plugin which takes care of many things on the blog. It changes the comment section to entice more comments and some reward for the commenters. I love this plugin and have it on all my sites.
Hi Sanjeev,
Those are some good tips that you have mentioned on using Commentluv Premium more usefully. I think promoting a guest post to gain PR so that it can in turn benefit you is really a great idea, which I too did not think of till now.
I know many people just send a guest post to high PR blog and think they have got a good link back. I was also doing the same. But PR of a home page and the guest post are different so it is as good as taking a link from PR0, if promotion is not done correctly.
To tell you the truth I do track PR’s of my guest post and most of them are PR3 or higher currently.
CommentLuv Premium is a great way to give something back to your loyal readers that are contributing to your blog. If they leave a good quality comment that brings value to the topic then they are rewarded with a dofollow backlink.
However if you are just leaving a “Nice tips/blog” one liner type of comment then most likely they will not approve your spammy comment.
I agree, when a reader is getting a dofollow link and a great way to generate some traffic, a least can be expected is a useful comment. “Nice tips/blog” does not come under that category.
I was browsing the internet and looking for do-follow blogs for my link building and I discovered about Commentluv which I think is awesome. And as you have mentioned, comments must attracted a reader in order to get clicked! Well, on that we have to be creative and of course comment relevant and related to the topic. Thanks for sharing this to us, I appreciated your effort to consolidate everything here.
Yes, just leaving comments can’t bring the traffic, it has to be interesting enough and on topic. So that readers might think to click on the link. Also with comment love the title has to be catchy to gain some attention.
Thanks for sharing these really cool tips about how to use CommentLuv and summarizing them into one great post.
I really like the ideas floating around related to this plugin, so thought its better to have them on single place. The plugin is great, gives a lot more flexibility and a must have for many reasons.
Its really great to see that bloggers share their stories and “the way” they do business. I also like using youtube to drive traffic, but I do agree that there are more than one method to drive targeted traffic.
YouTube is a great source, but we do have to try many ways to drive traffic. I also like YouTube and use it for promotion and traffic. Commentluv Premium is a good way to drive traffic and rewarding your readers.
Nice article Sandeep. I heard many of bloggers talking about this Plugin of Comment Luv Premium. NIce that you shared all advantages at one place.
Thanks Sriram for the visit, I love Commentluv Premium, its really a great plugin and gives 7 plugins which can be used on your blog and some extra feature which is helpful when you visit other blog.
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