Pinterest is one of the most talked social networks these days and people are finding ways to explore it more. One of the ways to include the pin button to your blog and let people do the work for you.
One thing which everybody can agree is it is hard to get the pin button working as you want on your blog, you can add a button and it will start giving all the images on your page to select.
An easy way would be to have the pin button on the images and let your reader click that to add whichever image they like. Pinterest is all about images not the content, so mixing the pin button with content does not give great result.
Here is a great solution for the Pinterest button. A Pin Button Attraction Plugin from Chris Guthrie, which will add an pin button to your images and will leave alone your content.
Pinterest Button Attraction Plugin Features
This WordPress Plugin add a Pin button on your images rather than on the page. So your readers will have option to directly pin the image they like rather then wasting time in selecting the image they liked.
Another good thing is that this plugin encourage them to pin your images as it promoted it in a right way. They will see the pin button on the images and will be encouraged to pin it.
You can set an option on media upload screen if you do not want your images to be pinable, like the above image is not pinable as I just want to show how this function works.
You also have an option to make all your images pinable and the button will start showing up on your images. You also have an option to increase your following by showing follow me on Pinterest button.
Browse this blog and get feel of the plugin, do Pin some images to see its usability….
Pin Button Attraction Plugin is one of the simple and innovative ways to increase the traffic from Pinterest and encourage your readers to take an action.
The plugin is worth installing considering its features and merits of pinterest to bring traffic. But what about the legality of images you are giving citation?
This acts similar to the pin button on your site, just give you freedom to select and image and encourage users to pin your images. You can add description and citation before pinning the image….Try out some other post on this blog and see how this works…
Great Post Sanjeev. I did have some issue as well and i just let it go. did not even bother with it. I will use that plugin now. Thanks by the way.
Hi Fred, I also had a hard time with the pinterest button in the sidebar. This plugin has make it really easy…
Hey Sanjeev, this is really great, I know a lot of the Blog Enrage guest blogger are complaining about issues wit our Pin button. I guess it’s not picking up images or simply not working. I’m starting to think ti’s an issue with my theme.
Hey Brian, I was also struggling with pin button on Makewebworld before I bought this plugin. This is actually Pin specific images rather than one button for complete page…working great till now…
Hey Sanjeev,
Pinterest is really effective for gaining visitors and attracting audience. But we have to be creative and stable in the work to reach heights.
The plugin you mentioned may work as hell for attracting audience. So, ill surely give it a try asap. 🙂
Yes, it is one of the most emerging social network or a fast growing place…This plugin does help in increasing traffic from Pinterest..
Yeah, the best part is that this plugin shows the button on the pic which is really cool as well. Many visitors don’t like to pin any pic from social share buttons.
But now surely they will pin in just a single click and the pic they want. This help in boosting visitors as well as effective blog. 😉
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