Make money with pictures! Find out how in Future of Publishing! (Part 2 of 3)


Last week’s Future of Publishing episode on MakeWebWorld was about image monetization.

Newlands and Roup interviewed Chas Edwards and Rey Flemings about how to make money from images. This week’s episode is a continuation of that interview:

[youtube src=”EyaKcqhD91M”]


  • Banner ads don’t work anymore…
  • Because people are blind to ads in the banner adspace…
  • But interactive ads within the content itself, like interactive image ads, work well…

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  1. Great Post All these tips boost business i also use Pinterest but these tip have some great novelty make money with images definitely image is deep impact in the online marketing business. and these IDEAS really boost my WORK STRATEGY.

  2. Advertisement with banner is old trick and new concept is necessary for any business. ‘Do something new and attract users’ is rule of marketing. Mostly, all users know about banner advertisement so they are not easily attract to it but picture marketing with new idea will give effective result to business.

  3. Great tips for all of us here! Anyway, this makes me think that everything can really be possible…Well thank you for your ideas here…

    • Amrik, This article is a syndicated content from Future of publishing and a regular show which is getting featured on Makewebworld for past 3-4 weeks. It is syndicated at many places including iblogzone, famousblogger etc.
      Though I do appreciate your concern and sincerity to inform about it.

        • No issues, I really do appreciate, you taking time and informing about it. Once in a while I also do slip articles which are duplicate thanks for that..

  4. I knew banner ads didn’t work because of ad blindness but this is an interesting take on how images can work. I wonder if people will love you or loathe you for putting such ads into your content though. Any thoughts about how people will feel when they realize the image is an ad?

  5. Actually this kind of marketing is what is in right now due to its popularity. I would like to venture into photo marketing in the future.

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