Twitter can be one of biggest traffic generator for any business but once social networks becomes that big, it creates its own issues.
The amount of activity happens on twitter makes it impossible to track and engage with your followers, specially when you start growing in numbers.
Community Management is one of the biggest issue on twitter and is an answer to this issue. is a tool which scans twitter stream and provide all kind of analysis to help you manage your account.
There are many ways and tools which can help you create your community and followers. My prefer tool to manage your followers is TweetAdder, which can help you automate many things including tweets and follow back.
Though twitter policy does not allow aggressive automate following to take advantage, but you can automate lot of other things with the help of TweetAdder.
There are also some other service which can help you gain initial start-up in twitter and where you can gain twitter followers. You can get active followers, which can interact with you and help you in building your twitter community.
Once you have initial following then you need to engage with them, promote them and support the people who are promoting you. The whole purpose gets defeated when things become random and we can’t even figure out who is our supporters.
Many people deals with lists, create so many lists, arranges their following in a manner which they can manage. After some initial numbers this List management also takes it toll.
What it does for Community Management does create a report which give you all the details, which can be utilized to improve your community management.

It makes it really easy to see whom we interact, who supports us and who can be influencer. These details will be presented after scanning the account activity.
Influencer are the people who is on your list and can make lot of impact based on their followings and their engagement. A good way to judge whom should you interact more.
There are options to see different timelines and see who is working with you. This tool does provide some more information like people whom you should consider follow or whom you should consider unfollow because they are not participating in your community.
The unfollow suggestion is really great because you can see who are just adding a number in your followers list and not participating in any way. Also twitter has a limit on follow/following ratio so it’s one of the good way to maintain the twitter account.
Leads also provides a section where you can see the leads, people who has engaged with your account but not in the list of follow and followers. Good thing about this option is you can track according to keywords.
You can specify the keywords and can see the leads for that keywords, you can follow that lead or can check the activity from the same screen.
Its a web based tool so no need of any install, just login to and start managing.
The tool is in BETA right now and available to invite only, If you want to jump in and have a look then click here and join. I only have few invite, so this link will work on first come first serve basis.
Check and share how you like the services and what do you use for your community management on twitter?
Thank you for introducing me to this tool. As I write this, I’m waiting for the service to finish analyzing my community and provide an initial feedback.
Scrolling through the comments, I see Ms. Ileane is a user. If SHE likes (and uses) it, I know this tool has to provide some real value.
Appreciate what you do.
This tool does provide some real value, does take some time to analyse it first time but after that it is quick and let you do lot of twitter account management from the panel. I am sure you will like it…
Hi Sanjeev! thank for review, i hope this tool will help me let me try it.
Sanjeev it seems excellent plugin I will try this out,
thanks for sharing this worthy tool..
Check it out, Its a great way to know your engagements on Twitter and manage connections.
I registered yet it says it’s still at beta so there are only limited number of users. Hmmm.. Interesting tools though. Hope they’ll release a full version, can’t wait to try it.
Rick, have you tried with the link I provided in the post. I still have few invites left so you should be able to login. Use this link
Thanks for sharing such a valuable information.
A very helpful tool! It’s also very accessible. Really fits for networking sites. Kudos sanjeev!
Its a good one for Twitter and add a lot of value in account management and follow and unfollow activities.
Quite true Sanjeev. As one’s Twitter influence expands, there is really need for such tools to put order in his community and know who is adding value and who is making noise. Nice tool
Yes, It is really important to have engaging community, otherwise there is no meaning of having that many people in the list.
Hey Sanjeev, I’m using also and I agree that it is a great tool for managing your following. My favorite feature is the one that lets me unfollow users that I don’t interact with or who don’t follow me. Thanks for the review Sanjeev.
Nice to hear Ileane, is a good tool for account management. It is indeed a nice feature to remove extra counts from the lists, which does not engage and even the suggestions for following new people.
Dear Ileane and Sanjeev 🙂
thank you for the AMAZING review and the insights, our passion is giving you value, and we are super excited to see this post and the feedbacks 🙂
That’s really nice ..Thanks for sharing this tool
Lol, I’m totally new to the whole website world and I’m trying to get my head around twitter. Might have to check out and get my head around the social marketing opportunities out there, thanks for the review.
Thanks Rene for checking the post, you can use the link provided in the post to avoid initial waiting period for the BETA invite. Let us know if you like the tool.
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