(Video Mashup) WordPress Vs Blogger – Which One You Should Use For Your Blog


When you decide to open your first blog, the first challenge is to decide on which platform you are going to use.

In this Mashup I have tried to provide all collect all the information which will help you decide.

Lets start with the Matt Cutts views on the WordPress vs Blogger. In the video below he has given his take on WordPress vs Blogger blogging platforms. So lets check which platform he prefers:

[youtube src=”xHO_2OMSTP0″]

WordPress provides two type of platforms, one is free which is wordpress.com and other one which you can download and install it on your own hosting.

Now what Matt has talked about is more true with WordPress.org and a free blogger platform but you compare the free version of both of them the picture looks bit different.

Here are an idea about the free versions of both the platforms:

[youtube src=”fiYPhlELLyc”]

People do the blogging for many reasons and one of them is to generate money. Affiliate income is one of the good source of income in blogging, lets check which platform offers most benefits for Affiliates:

[youtube src=”iyfVN39tIio”]

This is again creates a debate about the wordpress free version from the wordpress.org, as free version does not offer plugins and option to add your adsense ads. Blogger does offer you adsene ads which you can run on your blog. So if Adsense is a prime concern for you and you only want to go with free version, blogger is the one for you.

The other difference is wordpress.com offers you an option to transfer the blog to wordpress.org blog, so if later on you decide to get your own domain name, you can easily transfer it to your own hosting.

So while we are talking about WordPress versions, lets find all the differences between free and self hosted version:

[youtube src=”CBr5RsdxU3Q”]

Here are the final thoughts from Matt Cutts on SEO Benefits on WordPress. (The presentation is long so you might want to take some time before watching this)

[youtube src=”3P-m2cBCJSk”]

If you decide on self hosted WordPress platform, I would recommend using Hostgator services for the hosting. I am using them for past many years and found their services are really great. Have a really good uptime and good response time if you need them for anything.

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1. webworld25 – Get 25% off on your entire bill.

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I hope these videos will help you make your decision on WordPress vs Blogger.


  1. WordPress is good platform for blogging and through this post as a newbie blogger so knowledgeable lesson and i learn some work boosting tips help to enhancing my knowledge. defiantly wordpress free version to motivate new bloggers and this one is blog-friendly great platform.
    Thank You Sanjeev i am so glad to sharing me this Article.

  2. I always prefer WordPress as any type of blogging. Its easy to go with the WordPress.com as my all blogs are on self hosted WordPress platform so I can easily understand the user interface.

    • I also preferred WordPress over blogger and have a self hosted blog. But for many people taking the plunge of self hosted blog is not easy…..hence this post to give pros and cons of both the platform!

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