Experience Cloud Storage with 10GB Free Space

Cloud Experience

These are the days for latest technologies to evolve and cloud storage is one of them. Everybody wants to have their files and media on cloud.

There are many cloud products in the market, and here is one more “Cloud Experience”. This is a new product which is currently in beta.

I am using their services and to say the least it looks much more stable than beta. To the starters they are offering 10GB cloud space with their free account.

Cloud StorageImage: scottchan

Most of the setup for the product is already done, they have applications for all platforms. Below are the platforms where you can find CX.

  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Blackberry
  • Iphone/Ipad
  • Android

Once you create the sign-up you need to install their app on all your devices. Once done you can get access to your files from anywhere.

Their application maintains a history for the changes and resolves any conflicts so that you never lose your work.

They also give sharing option if you want to share your files with a group. Their app will manage versions between people working on the same files, so that you will not lose anything.

Though if you are a power user and you need more than 10GB then they are not offering it now, this is a coming soon section. It looks like they are going to offer 30GB with $9.99 per month but you have to wait till this come out of BETA.

There is nothing bad getting a 10GB space for free, if required you can upgrade later with your choice of plan.

They are also going to offer free developer account, which will give an access to their API and Developer Site. It is also a coming soon section.

Let’s go ahead and give it a try, get a free account on Cloud Experience.