Awesome Shortcodes For Genesis (ASG) is the plugin which I released for Genesis Community and now its seeing its first major update.
This plugin had a shortcode for adding the boxes in the blog post, it has been enhanced to include more customisable boxes.
The initial release has focused on basic shortcodes which are needed in day to day activities. Now these are getting bit more custom options.
In the current release of version 1.1, the box shortcode has been revamped.
Changes To Box ShortCode
The box addition panel has been enhanced to include many new options, which I will talk in detail.

These options can allow you to create many type of boxes with ease. Let’s see what kind if variation you can create with this shortcode:
A Collapse / Expand Box
You can easily create a box with collapsable content. (Just click on the arrow to see the magic)
[asg-content-box boxcolor=”gray” boxtitle=”Test Title 1″ boldtitle=”true” boxexpand=”true” showcontent=”false”]Test Content 1[/asg-content-box]
You can also have a box with content shown by default, you just need to select “Show Content By Default” option in the box addition panel.
[asg-content-box boxcolor=”purple” boxtitle=”Test Title 2″ boldtitle=”true” boxexpand=”true” showcontent=”true”]Test Content 2[/asg-content-box]
Box With Title and Content
The box does not need to be an expandable box. you can just insert a box with title and content and it will be shown correctly.
[asg-content-box boxcolor=”green” boxtitle=”Test Title 3″ boldtitle=”false” boxexpand=”false” showcontent=”false”]Test Content 3[/asg-content-box]
12 Color Options
Title and content boxes can stay on their own, which allows you to create 12 different color boxes. It also allows you to create box effects like this:
[asg-content-box boxcolor=”blue” boxtitle=”Test Title 4″ boldtitle=”false” boxexpand=”false” showcontent=”false”][/asg-content-box]
[asg-content-box boxcolor=”gray” boxtitle=”” boldtitle=”false” boxexpand=”false” showcontent=”false”]Test Content 5[/asg-content-box]
Create a FAQ Page In Genesis
This shortcode can also help in creating a good looking FAQ pages in Genesis Child Themes. See the example below:
[asg-content-box boxcolor=”blue” boxtitle=”FAQ 1″ boldtitle=”true” boxexpand=”true” showcontent=”false”]FAQ Content 1[/asg-content-box]
[asg-content-box boxcolor=”blue” boxtitle=”FAQ 2″ boldtitle=”true” boxexpand=”true” showcontent=”false”]FAQ Content 2[/asg-content-box]
[asg-content-box boxcolor=”blue” boxtitle=”FAQ 3″ boldtitle=”true” boxexpand=”true” showcontent=”false”]FAQ Content 3[/asg-content-box]
You can use the boxes like this to add multiple questions for you FAQ pages and it will be easy for your readers to find the correct question and answer to it.
For the performance boost, jQuery and CSS are loaded only on the pages which needs them. Other pages of your blog will not be impacted.
Hope this update will help you in creating more manageable content on you blog.