CommentLuv Premium – Why You Should Have it On Your Blog


CommentLuv Premium is a new pro version for the very successful plugin Commentluv. If you are not aware about the Commentluv plugin than you can check at wordpress plugin library, this plugin has already been downloaded more than 400k.

Commentluv premium extends the functionality of free version and it also adds so many new features to it. It actually combines 7 plugins together and creates one great plugin.

If you want to check how it can benefit to your blog than you can check this video here.

What you will get with Commentluv Premium

On Your Blog:

1. Commentluv

Yes, you will get Commentluv plugin. It allows people to link to their post while commenting on your blog. If you want to check how, than you can comment on this post.

2. Keywordluv

This is another way to reward your commenters. You can give them proper anchor text for their links. Like on Makewebworld you can comment and in the name field along with your name you can specify your anchor text separated with ‘@’.

3. GrowMap Anti-spambot Plugin

This is a plugin to reduce spam on your blog. It is already an successful plugin and I have seen good reduction in spam comments after installing this.

I used Akismet before but I have faced issue as it sometimes can mark genuine comments as spam, I have not faced that issue with this plugin.

4. Twitter Links

This will give your users an ability to add their twitter name with the comments. A good way to promote your twitter account and generate followers.

5. Do Follow Comments Link Plugins

If you do allow Do Follow links in the comment section than you must be using a plugin to do that. Commentluv Premium plugin replaces that as it gives you a choice to make links dofollow after a certain number of comments.

Makewebworld is a dofollow blog. You can check at the comment section on how many comments you need to make before getting dofollow link.

6. Top Commenters Plugin

This also comes with Top Commenters widget which can be used on your site. Widget is configurable, you can choose to show name, number of comments and their last post link.

7. Stops self Pinging

This plugin comes with an option of stopping self pinging. So if you link your posts you will not get any ping backs.

On Other Blogs

Yes, having Commentluv Premium gives extra functionality on comment section of other blogs, you can control your links and description.

1. Description

It provides a place to add a description about yourself or your commentluv settings, which will be shown if anybody hover your links on other blogs. This is a nice way to promote your blog and get a pitch which can drive traffic back to your blog.

Commentluv Premium

2. 5 Extra Links

It also provides 5 extra links to the premium users, you can set these links in setting panel. Good thing is that you can use pages also. So along with the 10 RSS feed post, you get 5 extra links to choose from.

3. 5 Recent Posts shown on hover

It also shows your 5 recent post under “my other posts” section, if somebody hover on your link. So it actually gives 6 posts to the reader. A nice way to get some traffic and you are not going to get it only from the post you link.

Bonus Plugins

Yes there are some bonus plugins if you purchase Commentluv premium. Andy does offer some of the great plugins along with commentluv premium.

1. Dashboard Luvvers Widget

This is a dashboard widget which will give you stats on who has commented on your posts, links to their posts and if you have replied to their comment or not. If you have not replied to their comments you can click on the button and directly go to the comment to reply that.

2. Commentluv Click Stats

This is another wordpress dashboard widget which will tell you the stats of your commentluv links. It will show you the stats like which links has been clicked, on which blogs these have been clicked. So you can keep an eye on the commentluv stats.

3. WP Mail Ads

You can use it to add your own message on the end of every email that your WordPress blog sends out. the plugins has been sold for $27 earlier, but it has been offered free with commentluv premium.

4. Dealpon Plugin

Andy has already started sending the words for bonus plugins. This time it will be Dealpon Plugin to enhance time dependent offers for your readers. You can use it to :-

  • Run special offers that countdown
  • Offer time limited bonuses
  • Create scarcity offers
  • Offers that expire if users don’t subscribe
  • and more!

So hop on and get the plugin for your blog,. With these many options it is one of the must have for me.

The CommentLuv Plugin


  1. really great plugin i think..because Commentluv Premium gives you full control on your blog comments like which posts or pages it will be enabled on, set Do Follow or No Follow backlinks, Define the minimum number of comments your readers should have before being able to display their last 10 blog posts to choose from and/or add keywords beside their names, and lastly it allows you to customize the commenting policy.

  2. Thank you for your post. May I know how do I get the Facebook Link, Google +1 to work on CommentLuv premium ? I do not seems to able to see it from my page.Thanks!

    • There is a setting under commentluv setting page, where you can setup when Google+, Facebook and Retweet buttons should be shown…check if you clicked on always show button….

  3. Great post! I’m currently helping my company refresh their social media marketing efforts. It’s been stagnant for months and they don’t have too many followers. I’m really hoping that I can make a difference for them. To know about music news,new video songs and movie etc.

  4. Please is there any such plugin for blogspot platform? sorry to ask but i wish to know if there is any. I will be moving my blog to wordpress soon but for now, i enjoyed blogging on blogspot

  5. Hi there. Yeah commentluv is a great plugin in WordPress which provides the best comment service. Thanks for sharing it. We can get both do follow and no follow links at the same time. Apart from that latest update of our website will show in your comment always.

  6. I installed it on my blog because I really want to use it but it is not working with JetPack. It means I need to uninstall Jetpack before I could use CommentLuv 🙁

  7. Thank you for your post. May I know how do I get the Facebook Link, Google +1 to work on CommentLuv premium ? I do not seems to able to see it from my page.

    Secondly, Would like to know what is the plugin is the one that showing the social buttons on the left of your post ?

    Thank you.

    • You need to setup facebook, google plus and twitter in the commentluv setting page. Also try to logout and check your site (This is the way most of the user will see your site).

      For the floating social bar, I am using Digg Digg. It can be found in wordpress repository.

  8. I’m just getting around to considering adding CommentLuv to my site. I love the options even on this post (tweet, +1, like to get more to show? brilliant!) Pretty comprehensive – I’ll bookmark this for when I set it up.

  9. Blog commenting will never be the same again, Commentluv is definitely one of the many innovations in plug-ins that a blogger should check out. Nice article!

  10. Commentluv has definitely changed the way we leave our opinions, suggestions and reactions on various sites. I like the way a meaningful comment is acknowledged by allowing backlinks. Commentluv premium looks great too! Thanks!

  11. I love coming across sites with commentluv, this is a good way to entice people to leave meaningful comments on a site. Thanks for giving us an idea on the benefits of commentluv premium, I can’t wait to try this out on my site.

  12. Agree. Having a commentLuv premium plugin installed on any site can really boost the number of comments. Sky is the limit and people should understand this by looking at this very post. I’ve been using the free version of that plugin and soon, I’ll get a premium one. It’s time to go professional

    • It will not work right out of box with blogger templates, I think you need to use intense debate comment system on your blog to make it fit with blogger.

  13. Hi Sanjeev . After this share of yours I feel convinced that Commentluv Premium is beneficial for the Inside and also Outside of the blog. Its features like fighting the spam , providing an option of adding an anchor text to your links and providing an option to track clicks on your links is truly impactful. It assuredly prevents spammers from abusing the blog so I guess this dual benefit is commendable. Nice share.

    • Commentluv is really helpful at both on your blog and other blogs, it generates extra readers for your blog while give incentive to the people who decides to engage on your blog.

  14. Hi Sanjeev, I have used CommentLuv premium in one of my blog and found it to be really worth…the way it helps in dealing with spam is amazing. the other features are also good and overall, the premium version is fairly priced and value for money..

    • I agree Abhishek, many people have doubt that it increase spam on blogs but it actually does an amazing job of stopping it. I have also reduced it after installing it on this blog.

      • Sanjeev, are there better plugins which one can try? I mean if you have some better ones which you have used (both free and paid ones), feel free to share. After the recent Panda and Penguin updates, all of a sudden there is a influx of people who have started commenting on my blog and its getting a bit difficult to manage all the irrelevant comments that i get there.

        • I have also seen the increase in number of comments on this blog, might be because now you need to diversify your link building strategy otherwise Google might penalize. Commentluv Premium has some options to fight with manual spam also like you can try increase the number of seconds to be on the page before comments..I am also doing some experiment with it…Will share if I get good results with it..

  15. I can tell how useful the commentluv plugin is, but I’m a little disheartened. I personally use wordpress’s free blogging features which doesn’t allow plugins…so I won’t be able to take advantage of this tool any time soon 🙁

    Well on the bright side that prevents spammers from abusing my blog so I guess it’s a double edged sword.

    • It does bring some people who would be there for link, but with the latest version there are many level of protection included in there…It removes bots almost 100% and you are left with Manual spam….you still have option for that also…

  16. Simply because it has good features that will help your blog increase the traffic and the rankings as well. and it is more professional to look at.

  17. hmm, i never knew that commentluv had so many other extra plugins.
    i use livefyre, which also promotes social interaction, and its just 1 plugin, hate to have to many 😛

    btw, grats on PR3, like your bloggie. 🙂

    • Thanks Aleksander for liking the blog. Commentluv Premium is also one plugin but it includes so many functionality, It works on so many different aspect like spam control, comment do follow and no follow, social integration or keywordname….one plugin and lots of benefit..

  18. nice post Sanjeev !! can you please tell me what is the major difference between the comment luv and premium version? Why should I pay for premium version ? and does premium version do have any advance feature which will improve my traffic or my search engine rankings?

    • Hi Jeesica, Premium version does have many extra feature like it nofollow and dofollow control in comment links, analytic report for you commentluv link, stop self pinging, gives extra 5 links (for you to link and on the hover for the readers.) there are many extra things which can be useful and it integrates all of the plugins from a single panel.

      It also gives you an option to stop loading certain scripts if you are already loading from other plugins, good for speed. It can be factor in SERP’s if you use it correctly and promote your post and pages. (With Premium version you can promote the pages also in extra 5 links.)

  19. Hello,
    I am not a blogger and therefore I don’t use this plugin, but I saw many bloggers who do, and it really clears the comment section, and makes it more personal. I hope most of your readers took the preview sales chance and are not waiting for the next wave with higher prices. It was a great contribution writing this post, and informing your readers about this opportunity. Keep up the good work!
    All the best,

    • Hi Leonard,
      Commentluv Premium does increase social interaction and does add lot of other option. Its a good way to encourage your readers to participate in discussion.

      Thanks for dropping by.

  20. Thank you for this informative post on the extras there are with the commentluv+ plugin. I am already signed up to be notified of the release, I love the plugin and of course the network there is around using it.

  21. I have not been familiar with the Premium version of Commentluv and its features as i was always satisfied with the free version.But,thanks for your insights ,the premium one definitely does have an edge over the free Commentluv plugin.

    • Premium plugin does have extra feature and also combine many plugins to give one unified panel for all the admin management. I was also using free version before buying the premium one…the transition is worth…..

  22. When you comment on blogs having CommentLuv enabled you will get strong backlink and you can check the option to make the comment Do-Follow.

  23. Commentluv premium is much better because of the keywordluv plugin. It’s useful for commentors, and at the same time doesn’t make the poster’s name look ugly by using keywords as their names. Lessens the spam comments also. It’s a win win for all!

    • I agree, But I have seen many people even do not recognize, either they are not aware of Keyword love or does not bother putting names. I still do delete lot of comments even after providing readers a way to get keyword based link, if they do it correctly.

  24. I like this plugin. It is very easy to give something back to the community. But you also get some nice content, it’s very easy, free content for free link juice. After enabling this addon on one of my pages the comments skyrocketed 🙂

  25. Hi Sanjeev
    This looks a great plugin.My only question is ehrther the plugin inludes a search box to find related blogs to comment on
    With out it is seems to defeat the plugin idea
    Good review though and am considering getting it

    • Hi Greg, The plugin does not include the search box in the dashboard, but Andy has a separate search engine for commentluv blog, and Google also knows it so if you search your keywords with text “This blog uses premium CommentLuv”, you will get the results.

  26. Commentluv premium really seems to be a great plugin with all those features. I specially liked the analytics thingy and I am thinking of buying it when it releases. Thanks for the review 😉

    • Its a good way to check which titles are attracting more clicks, One thing I learned that my own links on my blog can attract the click, so it can also help in keeping bounce rate low.

  27. Thanks Sanjeev, this is a very good post about commentluv. Many people are now getting this plug in for their blogs. I think I read about 7 or 8 post on this subject today and yours is really the most informative I read yet.

      • Sanjeev,
        Thanks for introducing me to comment luv premium. I used the basic version of comment luv on some of my blogs before, but this looks pretty good.

        It seems to me that the main advantage of comment luv premium is the offsite SEO benefits you mentioned. Would you agree with this?

  28. I love the commentluv plugin and it shows us tons of useful abilities. This plugin has great benefits in developing a beautiful blog and its optimization. In my opinion, it should be a must-have tool for bloggers these days because of its benefits 🙂

    Best regards,

  29. Hello,
    i have already visited your blog and find it quite good. as far as CommentLuv Premium is concern its always good to have such a great plugin. currently i am using the free version and want to upgrade to the premium version but as i am newbie in this blogging world so i don’t have much fund as you understand it very well so when i will get it, i will surely buy this classic plugin for my site. you review helped me a lot to get to know more about it and specially that 5 Extra Link that premium user gets.
    Thank you for the review.

    • It’s really a great plugin and it does so many things. I am only using GASP for spam protection on this blog and it does it wonderfully. Premium version has many option on the free version, I would say it should be first one which you should buy…:)

  30. I have been using commentluv free version for a while… Thanks for updating me about the premium version.. am going for it.. right now 🙂

  31. Have heard many good things about the plugin and I’m thinking of purchasing it for one of my clients. The additional five links we can add, are they any links or should they be related to the blog in some way. Although the blog is using WordPress the main website is in Drupal and building links to some of the pages in that website is quite useful.

    • I don’t have that setup to test but I think it is from WordPress as it gives an option to search by title. it can be pages or the posts from blog.

  32. Commentluv premium really seems to be a great plugin with all those features. I specially liked the analytics thingy and I am thinking of buying it when it releases. Thanks for this review because I got to know more about the plugin

    • Thanks for checking it out. It is working great on Makewebworld and some other blogs for me. I have not touched the social aspect of it but it can help on building social proof, which is taking good attention these days.

      • Hi Sanjeev,
        I have bought the plugin and I am using it, it really has some awesome features like you explained. I specially love the 5 favorite links part, can help a lot in getting more backlinks to priority post. Thanks for this review since it helped me to take a decision on whether I should buy it or not.

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