7 Monthly Income Reports Which You Should Read

Affiliate Marketing - Too many People fighting for the Money
Affiliate Marketing - Too many People fighting for the Money

Numbers are always been an attraction for people and especially if they represent money. It doesn’t matter if those numbers represents your success or somebody else.

Monthly Income reports are one of the ways where successful online entrepreneur share their success stories. I am saying success stories because very few people has the courage to share their failures.

Here are 7 income reports which is much more than just the numbers and success stories, you can take a lot from these reports in terms of strategy, online money making tips, learning from their failures etc.

Monthly Income Reports
Monthly Income Reports

1. Smart Passive Income Report

This is one of the most detailed reports which you can find on making money online. Pat not only shares how much he has earned but also shares the strategy which makes him earn that.

It’s not only a report to show what he has done in a month but also a way to share what you can expect in near future. Projects which you can see Pat working on and the way he approaches to them.

I would say this is one of the must read reports, which can give you a good idea about monetization of your blog.

2. Traffic Generation Cafe Income Report

Ana has only shared a handful of monthly reports till now but there is already a glimpse of sharing more than just money stats. It is a strategy which she uses to monetize her blog and her planning to make it successful.

You can learn a lot from her reports and can see what you can do to generate a constant income from the blogging sphere. She is little busy with her personal life right now and has not shared much lately but I am pretty sure she will be back soon enough.

3. Adsense Flippers Income Reports

This report is more of a niche and product ideas. It’s a collection of income generated from Adsense Flippers on their sites and products. It’s a good example of diversity, which can be a good source of constant income.

They have built a niche empire which generates a 4 figure income for them and they share their journey through these reports. It’s a good report if you try to earn money from Adsense or some other CPC based networks.

If you are working mainly small niche sites or trying to increase earning from adsense, take some time reading their income reports.

4. Replace Your Salary Income Report

This is a report from Replace your Salary blog. The numbers might not be as high as you would like but it’s good to join a journey from the start. You can feel connected and can see what is working.

It’s not only a disclosure of affiliate income but also based on some service which Alan provides on his blog. You may discover some nice sources of income which you may not have noticed earlier.

5. Business and Blogs Income Report

Business and Blogs is a good place to learn how you can mix both of them and earn a good monthly amount. Matt not only generates the income from affiliate program but also from his very successful course of The WordPress Classroom 2.0.

This is one of the prime examples that with dedication and quality product, you can earn a good amount and it can act as a nice motivation to generate your own product.

6. Magnet for Marketing Income Report

This is another expense report which can give you a feeling of growing with it. Fabrizio not only shares the traffic stats along with the earnings, he also shares the promotion strategies.

This can give you an idea on how to go about your blog promotion strategies and what to expect from it.

7. Steven Aitchison Income Report

Steven shares a good mix of product and affiliate marketing tips, which help him, generate a good monthly income. He also share a section based on learning from the month and what has worked and what not.

It’s a good way to learn about creating email subscription list and how to monetize it. You would not want people to unsubscribe from your list because of too many promotions or you would not want to lose some money because of very few promotions. Check the tips from Steven on how he monetizes his email lists.

Hope you will read these monthly income reports and get the positives to increase monetizing opportunities on your blog.


  1. Considering the progress that you have made in last 8-10 months Sanjeev I am sure would be on that list some day. I still remember the guest post that you had made on problogger (Darren’s) around 6 months ago. You have come a long way from then. I wish you all the best.

  2. If you want to, check monthlyincomereport.com, I’m not affiliated with the site in any way. There is Top10 earners and there is always a room for somebody of us. Don’t you think so?
    Anyway, first time ever I was able to get over 1000$ and I hope one day I’ll be on your list 🙂

  3. Hi Sanjeev, great list and thank you so very much for adding me to the list. I’m a long way off from generating an income like SmartPassiveIncome, but it’s inspiring nevertheless. Great to see an array of bloggers revealing the results of blog monetization, thanks again.

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