We have just crossed over to 2014 and completed one more year of blogging.
When I look back to 2013, it was a mixed year for Makewebworld. It has got PR increase, YouTube Channel and social network growth along with getting hit by hummingbird update.
Lets give a warm good bye to 2013 with a look back.
Page Rank 3
At the end of 2012, I have changed the permanent link structure for Makewebworld and Google has accepted it with a PR decrease.
Page Rank has been dropped to PR2 at the end of 2012 and there was no PR update in 2013 until last quarter.
Makewebworld has got the PR3 back with that update.
Though it is not much of a importance in terms of search engine rankings, but it feel good to know that it has got an increase.
Hummingbird Update
Makewebworld was doing well for first half year. The growth was study and earnings were increasing.
With the Hummingbird update, suddenly the traffic was reduced and earnings were dropped.
I was left in surprised, as I do not use any black hat SEO techniques for Makewebworld.
I was amazed when I found the reason.
I publish lot of online tutorials on Makewebworld. In one of those tutorials, I have used one url of Makewebworld. Somebody used that tutorial on a development site and left it as it is.
It has created almost 5000 back links to Makewebworld, all of them from a single unrelated domain.
I tried to contact the Webmaster but that site was left in development. I had to use Disavow tool and removed that page from Makewebworld, so that these links will be removed from Webmaster.
It was a good learning, I have decided to use example.com for all the future tutorials.
[box]If you are writing any tutorials on your blog, always use example.com to show links in the tutorial. [/box]
Diversify Income Sources
With the reduced traffic and income, I had to look for alternatives.
I decided that I do not want to be in this situation again, so I started to diversify the income sources.
I created a list of income sources, which can be used to diversify the income and started working on those.
I have not given much attention to SEO other than removing the unrelated links and removing some low quality content.
In last two months the traffic has increased and income is also coming back to the old levels.
But because of other sources, I am earning more than what I was earning before Hummingbird update and there are other channels for traffic.
So now Makewebworld does not solely depend on Google, it uses multiple channels for generating traffic.
YouTube Channel
Makewebworld YouTube channel is there from 2011, but there was not much activity on the channel.
After hummingbird update, I decided to grow that channel and set a target for 500 subscribers before year-end.
It was really tough target as I was only having 3 months left in the year.
I decided to create a schedule for creating the videos and updated the YouTube channel to new layout.
I followed the schedule and did lot of promotion for the videos and started sharing my journey towards YouTube Channel Setup on Makewebworld.
You can also be a part of the journey as it is going to continue in 2014.
Though it was touch and go but I was able to complete the target and had 503 subscribers on 31st Dec.

Plans for 2014
We are in 2014 and I can’t close this without talking about 2014.
I am still working on diversify the income and there are still some untapped channels. I will be working on those in 2014.
There are some of the product ideas, which are floating through, and I have decided to bring them to reality in 2014.
I already offer one of the free plugin for Author Box, but you can expect some more products in this year.
Work is already in progress for first product and I should be able to launch it by April this year.
YouTube is still a focus area for Makewebworld. I have set a target for 2000 subscribers for this year and the work is already started for this.
So Lets welcome 2014 and keep working on the goals set for this year. What are your goals for this New Year?
Image courtesy of Idea go / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
I believe 2014 is going to be a great year for us!
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