WordPress Resources

I have created this page to share all the WordPress resources and tools which has worked for me in creating my WordPress blogs. These WordPress resources and tools have worked good for me and might end up helping you also in building your blog.

If you are starting to build a site, I would suggest to go for free tools. Once you start earning, you can invest the money in buying the paid WordPress resources and tools. I have given an extra effort to list a free alternative also for the start-ups.

PS: There are few paid products for which I will get some money as part of commission if you click from here and buy, But this does not change their reason to be listed here. They are listed here because they end up helping building the blogs.

Blog Hosting

If you are planning for self hosted blog, first WordPress resource you will need is hosting space. Below are few hosting providers which I have tried and found them good in terms of service.


I am using their service for hosting my blogs and just to say have never faced an issue with it. It is easy to set up WordPress blogs with their cpanel support. It almost equal to 1 click install.


They have a good hosting plans and provide excellent support. It is very easy to maintain your blogs with the advanced cpanel support.

Also if you are considering taking HostGator services you can get a 25% discount with the coupon webworld25 on their hosting plans.

WordPress Themes

Thesis Theme

This is a one of the best premium framework for WordPress. Though it provides an out of box interface but its best when you update it according to your design.

Thesis theme can be updated easily and a good tutorial available on the site.

Elegant Theme

These are elegantly designed themes which you can get with $39 per year. It comes in a package and gives you around 50 plus themes and a mobile theme add-on for your blog.

This also give options to do your SEO from your admin panel. This can be a good starting point if you have some initial budget or you are not comfortable with coding.

WPTouch Pro

This provides a mobile theme for your blog. These days smartphone, tablets are increasing browsing on mobile devices and it is a good way to customize your site for mobile users. At the start you can use WPTouch free version, which is equal to free version with little less customization options.

WordPress Free Themes

WordPress also has a section for free themes, where you can get many good quality free themes for your blog. This can be a good way to kick-start your blog.

SEO Tools


This is the best tool for doing your on-page SEO. Tool provides some automatic options along with numeric score for your on page SEO for any post or page. You just need to provide targeted keyword.

WordPress SEO By Yoast

This is a great add-on to your Seopressor or can be a good alternative at the start. This plugin is free and does a lot of things for SEO. It does on page SEO, provides options to noindex, nofollow, meta tag assignment. It also does most of the checks which SEOPressor does just does not give numeric score and does not have automatic options.

WordPress Plugins

If you want to check the plugins, I have a post for WordPress plugins (Click on the link to check the post) which I use on my blogs.

Video Editing Software

Microsoft Movie maker

If you are planning to create YouTube videos for your blogs than you need video editing software. This is one of the great free tool to create videos and share it on YouTube. You can use it to append the Intro Section, putting credits for your blog etc.

Camtasia Studio

This is another tool, though a paid one. It is really handy to create video’s with this tool. It does everything from recording to publishing.

Affiliate Networks

If you are into affiliate marketing than below are few affiliate networks which is easy to work with. You can find many products and vendors on these networks. Check these for your niche products.


Commission Junction


Amazon Associate

Offline Management

Microsoft Webmatrix

This is another very handy tool from Microsoft. It is useful in installing WordPress on your localhost and managing your development server. You can check the video below for detail description.

[youtube src=”J3iAIopQKyQ”]

Microsoft Live Writer

If you want a good tool for writing your blog posts than this is for you. It can connect to your blog and give you an interface which is in sync with you blog theme for creating blog posts.

It allows you to publish the post or send it to your blog remotely. It is a good tool to work offline on your blog. Some themes like Thesis provides an option to activate the support for windows live writer, otherwise you have to set it up manually.

Check the video below to connect windows live writer to WordPress blog.

[youtube src=”taSLA163UeQ”]

I hope you will find these WordPress resources and tools helpful, If yes than like the page or tweet it to your friends.

I update this page as frequent as I get a new tool to be listed here. So do come visit and check new tools.